apache git

*重要1:Git 在Windows對於UTF-8 支援不好,使用時請三思,確定檔名和記錄只會使用英文撰寫(此問題已在最新版本修正) 2:Git 初部練習並不需要架APACH, 如果入門者,請先學好Git 再架網頁型資料庫

相關軟體 TortoiseGit 下載

TortoiseGit is a Windows Shell Interface to Git and based on TortoiseSVN. TortoiseGit is not an integration for a specific IDE such as Visual Studio, or Eclipse for instance, rather you can use it wit...

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  • I am currently setting up some git repositories on a Ubuntu LTS 14.04 machine with Apache ...
    Apache and git-http-backend - Stack Overflow
  • GIT Repositories Access the Source Tree (GIT) Anyone can checkout source code from our pub...
    Apache Ant - GIT Repositories
  • codeBeamer is the award winning Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solut...
    Configuring Apache for Git - Intland codeBeamer
  • *重要1:Git 在Windows對於UTF-8 支援不好,使用時請三思,確定檔名和記錄只會使用英文撰寫(此問題已在最新版本修正) 2:Git 初部練習並不需要架APACH, 如果...
    D.K.: Git Server 架設,使用APACHE(windows 7)
  • We maintain read-only Git mirrors of many Apache codebases at http://git.apache.org/. Thes...
    Git access to Apache codebases
  • This is a collection of read-only Git mirrors of Apache codebases. The mirrors are automat...
    Git at Apache
  • Committers: Getting Started First things first, you'll want to set up your name and em...
    Git at The ASF - Apache Software Foundation
  • apache / httpd mirrored from git://git.apache.org/httpd.git Code Pull requests 27 Projects...
    GitHub - apachehttpd: Mirror of Apache HTTP Server
  • 其中.... 第一道指令是告訴 Git 你的版本庫放在哪裡; 第二道指令表示該目錄下的所有版本庫都可以透過 http(s) 的方式存取; 第三道指令則是讓 Apache 把存取 G...
    Huan-Lin 學習筆記: Git Server on Windows 安裝手記
  • GitHub is where people build software. More than 25 million people use GitHub to discover,...
    The Apache Software Foundation · GitHub